Hi! Welcome to my blog website

I am hoping that any and everyone who reads my blog leaves the site with a few laughs, maybe a few tears, but a feeling inside of themselves that there is more to life than just labels. I have had a fulfilling life of ups and downs, honors and disgrace, happiness and disappointments. But, never did I try to change my life to immolate someone else. Instead, I rather liked to meet everyone as a friend, not a stranger. I‘ve learned through failures just as much as I learned through my successes. Please read what you want and feel free to critique me, ask questions, or maybe you’ll be someone who finds enough fun in it that you suggest it to your friends and family.

My picture gallery will have many inserts of me at different times of my life. If you know me, and you have pictures of me I would love to place them in the gallery. Here is a picture of me in US Naval Boot Camp. I served as a Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class in the field of Nuclear Medicine from 1981-87. I was stationed in that sad city called San Diego, California for 4.5 years out of six. (lol)
But, In the beginning I was stationed in Orlando, Florida for Boot Camp, Great Lakes, Illinois for Hospital Corp School, and Washington, D.C. at the National Naval School of Health Sciences class time, returning to San Diego for Clinicals (where I was ranked 1st in my class). The Navy felt they had sent me around the nation long enough, and left me to work at San Diego Balboa Naval Hospital for the rest of my service. Aw, poor me!!!
I, also, was cross-trained into the field of Ultrasonography. I did Nuclear Medicine for 30 years and Ultrasound for a combined 15 years after I got out. I will be telling many, MANY funny stories about my career. I am very proud of my service, though.

I graduated in 1979 from Seagoville High School. I was tied for 3rd in my class and was the highest ranking boy in a class of 123 people. I made a 3.875 average out of a possible 4.0 grade point and was given High Honors at graduation. I tell you this for when I talk about my school years. I am very proud of this because of what it took for me to succeed. Many people will be extremely surprised when they read this part of my blog.

This is a picture of my siblings when I was a baby. There are 3 more at different times of our lives that are in the gallery and will also be exhibited here or in my blog. These pictures give you an idea of what it looks like growing up the youngest of 5 children. It should also make a visual effect as you read the stories.
Lastly, I welcome people to use the contact site if they want to visit privately. This information is blocked from the public, and I will be the only one who can see it for yours, and my, privacy. Ihope this has given you a desire to begin reading my blog so I will just say…”I hope you enjoy it!” Come on in………


Blog 31 Watch out San Diego, Here I Come!!!!!!!!!!

(Lena was a great friend, excellent dancer, and an all-around fun person to be with)   (My trip to San Diego)            While I was stationed in Great Lakes, Illinois, I met another sailor who was also being transferred to San Diego that did not have a car. I made a…

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  • 19th Feb 2018
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Blog 30 Boot Camp Finale and Hospital Corpsman School

(Take the boy....Give me the man!)   (What a change)           After I had my talk with my bunk mate about the changes we were going to make, it was like I suddenly grew up. I realized that we were being groomed to understand working with other, utilizing a chain of…

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  • 10th Feb 2018
  • mylife
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Blog 71 More Trying Times, Life or Death

On 23rd Jun 2023 Scan0013 (This picture is about 4 months after my radiation…

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Blog 70 My Best and Worst Work Days

On 13th Mar 2023   (Old School versus New School)        …

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Blog 69 Taking the BAD with the GOOD

On 13th Mar 2023 (Mahli knew something was wrong with me and stayed beside…

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